Tag Archives: women

They’re going to lose women for a generation…

Well…I just can’t think how short sighted the old white guys are in the senate who are trying to ram the sexual assaulter Kavanaugh through to the SC…it’s not bad enough that he has lied to the senate in every damn one of his confirmation hearings and has broken the law with getting stolen information from dems in the senate, now that a  credible accuser has come forward that he tried to rape her, it is still business as usual with these old white guys who don’t give a damn about it…who don’t really care that he has led a life of abusing women and treating them like objects…they have already telegraphed that they are going to approve him no matter what his accuser says on Thursday, no matter how awful Kavanaugh is as a person, no matter how entitled this smarmy little shit is….they are going to ignore the 70% of women and 69% of the general public who say Kavanaugh should not be confirmed…and they are going to lose women voters for a generation if they cheat to confirm…as they cheated to keep Merrick Garland off the court. Not only that, they are going to lose the house and the senate, too, but they can’t see it…they have been able to lie, cheat, and steal for 40 years now without any consequences but things have changed…we are energized and are going to do everything in our power to throw these assholes out….and Kavanaugh and his cronies need to remember that the 2020 senate map is going to give us the votes necessary to remove him from the court…and we will…this crap is not going to go anymore…impeach…

I just can’t believe it..

Well…with the latest polls that show that women are now putting ole Mitt ahead in the national race, I just can’t believe it. I know that it jibes with the rest of the folks that vote republican…those lower income folks that don’t seem to realize that by voting for them, they are cutting their own throats, they are giving up Medicare and Social Security; programs that these people count on to continue to live and have lives that are not mired in the abject poverty which was prevalent before they came along. But, the biggest puzzlement to me is the swing of women voters to ole Mitt…what the hell are they thinking? do they want their bodies to be controlled by the government and not by them? Do they want the recovery that is now just getting moving stopped in its tracks by the misguided ideas that have been proven wrong time and again? Do they want their 401K’s and IRAs to take another hit like they did under the 8 years of Bush? I just can’t understand what women are thinking these days….or anyone else that would vote for ole Mitt…maybe there is an outbreak of mass stupidity…what other explanation is there?

One last thing on the Romneys…

Well…with this whole flap about “working” women and the outpouring of support for women who are fortunate enough to be able to choose to stay home and raise their children and the sainthood that is being bestowed on Ann Romney by the right, let’s not get the annointing oil out just yet…..let’s remember that when she said it was so hard to raise 5 kids and it was so much work, her situation has absolutely no resemblance to what most normal folks go through raising their families. Most families don’t have cadres of nannies, maids, drivers, and assistants to do the grunt work that has to be done to run a normal family..I wonder when the last time was that either Ann or Mitt drove to the dry cleaners or coached their soccer games or stayed up all night with a sick child? This is just another instance where the rich can never understand what the rest of the world is like for real working people….and then they try to tell the rest of us how to run our lives when they can’t conceive what it is like to live in America without the connections and inheritances that have insulated them from the real world…why don’t you just go back to your gated communities and leave the rest of us alone…and stop trying to take what little is left of the safety net away…don’t you already have enough?

Rich people just don’t get it…

Well…I really don’t want to dump on all rich people in this one…I know a few of them and they seem like okay sorts and some of them do good works in our community and make it better than it would be without them….but, and this is a big but, to have people like Mitt and Ann Romney say that they understand what it is like to be just a normal working person in the US is just nonsense…and ole Mitt compounds this by using his wife as his “adviser” on working women’s issues….when she has never in her life worried about bouncing a check or getting laid off or losing her healthcare. I read an interesting article the other day about the “bubble” that surrounds these rich folks…and the assertion by ole Mitt that they know what is going on for the rest of us because he listens to people that come to his campaign functions…but the immediate question that comes to me is ‘who comes to those functions?”…and it is overwhelmingly people that think like him, so he gets the misguided idea that he is on the right track with his policy solutions….and it just reinforces the fact that the repubs never govern for everyone in the country…the only people that they give a damn about are those that give money to them and vote for them…the last I checked, there are other people that are citizens, too…what about us? I think we are in the same situation nationally that we have been here in Michigan when we have had billionaires try to tell us they know what it is like to work for a living when they ran for governor….it is just not true…these folks have not for one day in their lives had to worry every morning when they wake up is this the day that my health fails and I lose everything that I’ve worked for my entire life because I can’t afford health insurance? Their answer is to repeal ACA and tell those of us nearing 60 that can’t find work is to “work harder” and things will work out…it’s just not true.

Phyllis Schlafly is still in the 50′s…..

This is a placeholder until I get done working out…I have to comment on some statements that Phyllis Schlafly made this weekend campaigning for a repub here in Michigan.

Well…I’m back…decided to get a bike ride in, too, before I came back to this. I’m not going to bury the lead this time….just going to give you Sclafly’s (who is the head of the anti-feminist Eagle Forum) quotes at a fundraiser for republican Rocky Raczkowski who is running for congress from Michigan. She started out by saying “obviously the blacks voted for Obama…but, do you all know what group was the second biggest? Unmarried women, 70% of unmarried women voted for Obama, and this is because when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have big brother government to be your provider.”

I am just stunned by these comments; that this kind of attitude is still in the mainstream of the republican party and is a harbinger of what you will see if you vote these troglodytes into office. Oh, ole Rocky did the republican dance of condemning the comments but that is just diving for cover when one of their own speaks what is really in their minds. That whole party is still mired in the 50′s when Phyllis was flitting from country club to country club; when you could have one income families make enough money that they could have a good life…but the repubs and their cronies made sure that ended.

Phyllis, I can give you many good reasons why unmarried women voted for Obama that you can’t understand…they are tired of the invisible discrimination that goes on in the good old boy networks that still dominate American business life..they are tired of having the choices in their lives limited by a repub party dominated by men…they are tired of being second class citizens that the Christian Taliban would have stay home barefoot and pregnant….to me, that shows a lack of respect for more than 50% of our population; a resource that we need to make this country a better place…my life is better for the strong women that have been in it (that includes my daughter and, of course, G, K, and T) and to dismiss them as needing to be dependent on anyone is a slap in the face that is all too common coming from the repubs…geez….