Well…with the latest polls that show that women are now putting ole Mitt ahead in the national race, I just can’t believe it. I know that it jibes with the rest of the folks that vote republican…those lower income folks that don’t seem to realize that by voting for them, they are cutting their own throats, they are giving up Medicare and Social Security; programs that these people count on to continue to live and have lives that are not mired in the abject poverty which was prevalent before they came along. But, the biggest puzzlement to me is the swing of women voters to ole Mitt…what the hell are they thinking? do they want their bodies to be controlled by the government and not by them? Do they want the recovery that is now just getting moving stopped in its tracks by the misguided ideas that have been proven wrong time and again? Do they want their 401K’s and IRAs to take another hit like they did under the 8 years of Bush? I just can’t understand what women are thinking these days….or anyone else that would vote for ole Mitt…maybe there is an outbreak of mass stupidity…what other explanation is there?