Well…I really don’t want to dump on all rich people in this one…I know a few of them and they seem like okay sorts and some of them do good works in our community and make it better than it would be without them….but, and this is a big but, to have people like Mitt and Ann Romney say that they understand what it is like to be just a normal working person in the US is just nonsense…and ole Mitt compounds this by using his wife as his “adviser” on working women’s issues….when she has never in her life worried about bouncing a check or getting laid off or losing her healthcare. I read an interesting article the other day about the “bubble” that surrounds these rich folks…and the assertion by ole Mitt that they know what is going on for the rest of us because he listens to people that come to his campaign functions…but the immediate question that comes to me is ‘who comes to those functions?”…and it is overwhelmingly people that think like him, so he gets the misguided idea that he is on the right track with his policy solutions….and it just reinforces the fact that the repubs never govern for everyone in the country…the only people that they give a damn about are those that give money to them and vote for them…the last I checked, there are other people that are citizens, too…what about us? I think we are in the same situation nationally that we have been here in Michigan when we have had billionaires try to tell us they know what it is like to work for a living when they ran for governor….it is just not true…these folks have not for one day in their lives had to worry every morning when they wake up is this the day that my health fails and I lose everything that I’ve worked for my entire life because I can’t afford health insurance? Their answer is to repeal ACA and tell those of us nearing 60 that can’t find work is to “work harder” and things will work out…it’s just not true.