Well…it was an okay day yesterday with lunch with T and then out with G for a couple but the weather was so crappy with the high wind that I took a second day off the bike but I hope to get back out today and get some miles in…I was disappointed with the last Wings game and the loss but I am looking forward to them tying up the series tonight…will be in full gear again…but if they lose, I do get to shave the playoff beard off….it itches like crazy and I look like some old homeless guy…sleep was okay last night but no dreams again so it was not as refreshing as it should be and that is getting frustrating….not much to do today….I did get the taxes in and only owed 196 bucks so that was a pleasant surprise and I may just celebrate that with some fast food for the first time in over a year….but, I may not…who knows? More later….