Well…sitting here waiting for the sun to come up so I can get out on the bike and I just read an article that made this question pop into my head: “How bad of a person do you have to be to have an entire state tell you to stay the hell away?” This is exactly what happened this morning when the Mayor of Pittsburgh told trump in no uncertain terms that he is not welcome at any of the memorial ceremonies for the 11 people murdered by a trump follower over the weekend….and this follows being told to stay away from Barbara Bush’s and John McCain’s funerals, something that has not happened to a *president in the history of this country. Is this telling you something idiot boy? Your bullshit is wearing mighty thin with everyone in this damn country other than the trump zombies that show up at your taxpayer funded “rallies” which are nothing more than proto nazi ego fluffing at it’s worst….so, keep deluding yourself that you’re popular, that you are not the worst, most evil person to walk the face of this country…the mid terms are coming in a week and with any luck you and your bullshit will end….there is still an orange jumpsuit waiting for you when you leave office…and this time, unlike GW Bush, you will pay for your crimes…impeach…