Well…hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites…we know that the trumps and the repub party are all hypocrites…and the latest revelation just adds to the totals of hypocrisy that oozes out of them every day. During the 2016 campaign, it was all Hillary’s e-mails all the time…that she used private e-mails to conduct government business…it was basically the only thing the entire campaign was based on and was aided and abetted by the media who couldn’t see the ridiculousness of it all…and now, guess who also is using private e-mail for government business? Yep, Ivanka frickin trump….and her excuse? That she didn’t know it was wrong to do it…nope, she never stood onstage with her idiot father while he bleated and bleated about Hillary’s e-mails…and she never gave interviews where she was so concerned about the e-mails that maybe, just maybe Hillary should be locked up for doing the same damn thing she is doing right now….yeah, right…we need to be rid of these stains on America and soon…I’ve had enough of them…impeach….