Well…the filing in the Michael Flynn case came out last night and it left quite a few questions…much of it was redacted but there are a few things that can be inferred from it even with the redactions. There were three investigations that Flynn was cooperating with, not just the special counsel….and the SOC investigation was not even listed first in the paperwork but some mysterious criminal investigation that only the title was left unblacked…and the third investigation was completely blacked out so there was no clue to what it was or is….one thing to remember is that all three of these investigations are still ongoing and that is the reason for the redactions. One of the big clues for how serious Flynn’s cooperation is to the idiot trump and his cronies is that Mueller is recommending no jail time for Flynn…making sure that the sentencing judge knows how valuable this information is…and to get Flynn from a potential 5 years in jail down to no jail time means he gave up someone above him…and that leaves Kushner, Pence, or the idiot trump…..that is my speculation of how these things normally work, anyway….so, trump and Giuliani going on and on that the investigation is over is just so much whistling past the graveyard….there is more to come and it is not going to be good for the repubs….let’s hope they have McConnell in there, too…impeach…