Well…the day that those of us who value good government and truth has arrived with the swearing in of the 119th congress and I can’t be happier…well…if we would have taken the senate, too, I could have been happier but I’ll take this…now, we won’t have any more of Devin Nunes carrying water for the most corrupt president in the country’s history and the cool thing is that this new House looks so much more like the country does…the true melting pot that sees many more women elected and taking their seats today…along with many more people of color and of every religion under the sun….I can’t wait for the right’s heads to explode when one of the new Muslim women elected is sworn in with Thomas Jefferson’s copy of the Koran….wearing the traditional headscarf of her religion. One little noticed detail of the dems taking control is the fact that they will also take control of all of the money that the repubs authorized to investigate Hillary and her e-mails and that 172 million dollars is now in Nancy Pelosi’s hands to do with as she pleases…and she pleases to hire many, many more lawyers and investigators to investigate the corruption that is rampant in idiot boy’s administration….and these are not the dregs of the legal profession that trump has to hire since no one wants to work for him, nope, they are the cream of the profession who want to be part of this historic take down of the cancer that is trump…I’m pretty sure that idiot boy doesn’t understand the world of hurt he is in…and that unhinged tweets won’t protect him…get the popcorn ready…this is going to be a good show…impeach…