Well…running about on time this morning but don’t feel that hot…now I have pain in both shoulders for some reason so there was no way to get any relief sleeping last night…and now the neck pain is back so I did take some ibuprofen already and I am now waiting for it to work…I did get the chance to get out and have a couple with K and C yesterday afternoon and that was fun to get out of here for a while…and I did get this place cleaned up, too, so there is really nothing for me to do today but wait for the temp to come up and get out on the bike to see what the trails look like…have been off for three days now and that makes me a little grumpy and I just feel a little slow…going to wait until Monday to try the weights again since I think the pain in my shoulder is not muscle pain and it needs some more healing time…not much to do today…and that is true…so I am going to just have some more coffee and let the day start on it’s own….more later…