Is this enough?

Well…how big of a damn bombshell do the repubs need before they remove the Russian plant from the White House? It was revealed yesterday that the FBI has had a counter-intelligence investigation going on the idiot trump since he fired Comey and has spent the first two years of his term basically doing everything that Putin and Russia want…and the NYT laid out the reasons for the probe yesterday in a piece that speculates and seemingly proves that trump was installed by Russia and continues to do their bidding. The scary part of this whole story is that is shows that trump is owned by Russia, but that’s not all…the former FBI agents that commented on the news yesterday stressed that what the NYT reported is just the tip of the iceberg and there is much, much more to this story than the information they have…and Mueller has all of it….the ball is in your court, repubs…what the hell are you going to do about this traitor….you freaked out and wanted to impeach Obama for bowing to the Japanese PM, how about trump giving away the country and the world to Putin? This is why we have to throw every damn one of these traitors out in 2020…they are just as bad as trump…impeach…

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