Well…running a little late this morning and there is no reason for it other than boredom…and not having a bit of motivation…woke up at 5:14 but stayed in bed until almost 6:30…not sleeping but just didn’t want to start the day that early…still damn exhausted as I have been for a week now and I am starting to get a little concerned about that….hmmmm…I finally got a few things done yesterday morning and at least that is something…while I was waiting for the temp to come up enough to ride, I washed the car and put the summer wheels back on the car and I was really surprised at how much just that little bit of work made me hurt later in the day…my left hamstring is hurting again and that’s not the only thing…it felt like everything hurt so I had to take an ibuprofen to make it tolerable…and it is better this morning so I think that was a good idea…I am considering waiting to ride until it is warm enough to get out in shorts today since it is going to be 54 or so but I really don’t like waiting to ride…we’ll see…I do need to get some cleaning done and I am going to try to do that after I have lots more coffee and get some time on the weight machine….more later…