Well…are the repubs just stupid or what? After the 2018 election where they just got trounced and where the dems won the healthcare voters by a whopping 52%, the repubs just can’t help themselves and are attacking the ACA through the courts again and are gleefully court shopping in hopes of taking healthcare away from 100 million Americans. If you look at the polls, the issue of healthcare is the most important one to almost 50% of the country and these people said they will vote against anyone who is trying to take away the ACA and that is the repubs only…no bullshit “bothsiderism” here, it is the nutty right wing assholes who don’t care about anyone but the rich who are doing it…and I wonder why the idiot trump is still playing to only his base by doing this…after all, his base is only about 40% of the country if that much and that is not enough to get re-elected….so, in the era of the end of the Mueller report, there are still things we need to keep our eyes open for…the repubs are going to try to do as much damage as they can before we vote them out in 2020 and it is up to us to minimize that as best we can until we become the clean up crew…again…impeach…