Well…it didn’t work this morning….tried to go back to sleep after getting up before 5 but it was all tossing and turning and shoulder pain so I just gave up…and now I have a sinus headache that I am going to have to take something for pretty soon…I finally get to have some different food today with getting through all the leftovers I’ve had for a week…got really tired of bean and chicken burritos and am looking forward to some chicken thighs for lunch and then some turkey soup that I thawed for later…I do have that huge turkey that is thawing in the fridge that will need to go in the brine Monday and then will do the whole turkey dinner thing on Tuesday and I am looking for ward to that…hope I have enough room in the freezer for the carcass after I break it down…so I can make more turkey soup in the near future….I did get out on the bike in the wind yesterday and it was pretty brutal and left me sore this morning…but it is too darn cold to get out today until the afternoon and I’ll have to go back into light thermasuit again…or should I say still? I can’t wait for the weather to break and get a little of that spring smell….not much to do today…just a little light cleaning and soccer…and probably lots of vegging…more later…