Well…running a little late today but I shouldn’t be…got up at 5:30 and got out on the bike by 6:30 to do the first ride of the day in time to see the F1 race at 9…and I finally got here and it’s only 8 so everything worked out as I planned…and that is a little sad that I have to plan anything with not really having anything to do other than watch races today…I did sleep okay last night but the bike ride was a chore without having coffee before going out…it does look like I got the noise in the front wheel fixed but I’ll talk about that later when I do one on what a pain in the butt working on the bearings is on this bike…I did get a few things done yesterday…got started on the kitchen counters but not until late in the day so I didn’t make much progress so I may have to work on it some today in between the races…it look like Indy is going to be challenged by rain so I may have plenty of time to do that after F1….don’t have to cook today with leftovers to be used so it looks pretty lazy starting now…need to have coffee and read the paper….more later…