Well…I know I’ve gone on and on about how ill suited for the job of president the idiot trump is….and the latest reporting in the NYT really emphasizes that all of us should be concerned that this moron has not been removed from office. Just yesterday, the NYT reported that the US intelligence agencies have stopped briefing trump on the most sensitive information that they develop, fearing that he will blurt it out to anyone he’s talking to…just like he did to the Russian ambassador that lead to the destruction of an intelligence network that was giving us information from Syria….and, on top of that, when they tried to brief him in the past, trump just doesn’t have the capacity to pay attention to get through a briefing and the briefers just can’t dumb the information down enough for him to understand it…and he continually dismisses whatever information that doesn’t jibe with what he already “knows”. Now, I know I call idiot boy a toddler a lot…but cripes, he IS just like a toddler…well, I probably shouldn’t insult toddlers like that…when my kids were toddlers they could understand a lot more than trump…impeach…