Well…I know I’ve gone on and on about how ill suited for the job of president the idiot trump is….and the latest reporting in the NYT really emphasizes that all of us should be concerned that this moron has not been removed from office. Just yesterday, the NYT reported that the US intelligence agencies have stopped briefing trump on the most sensitive information that they develop, fearing that he will blurt it out to anyone he’s talking to…just like he did to the Russian ambassador that lead to the destruction of an intelligence network that was giving us information from Syria….and, on top of that, when they tried to brief him in the past, trump just doesn’t have the capacity to pay attention to get through a briefing and the briefers just can’t dumb the information down enough for him to understand it…and he continually dismisses whatever information that doesn’t jibe with what he already “knows”. Now, I know I call idiot boy a toddler a lot…but cripes, he IS just like a toddler…well, I probably shouldn’t insult toddlers like that…when my kids were toddlers they could understand a lot more than trump…impeach…
Tag Archives: intelligence community
Who would you believe?
Well…the stupident keeps getting more and more stupid as each day goes on…the latest is a spat with the entire intelligence service of the US after they testified in the Senate yesterday that all of the things that trump said are great accomplishment by him in foreign policy are all just he delusions of a sub-standard mind. The heads of all of the agencies agreed that Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons, that North Korea is never going to give up it’s nuclear program, that ISIS is not defeated, and the withdrawal of troops from Syria is a huge mistake…all things that idiot boy has used as talking points to puff himself up but the reality is that his stupid, toddler moves have made ISIS and Iran stronger…and anyone with a brain can see that. That is one thing that trump has never been accused of, having a brain that is, and he showed that with tweets this morning where he attacked his own intelligence service heads as being “naive” and implying that he knows more than they do…that is something that almost everyone knows is not true since trump really is the stupident…the question that needs to be asked is who do you believe? Intelligence professionals or the dumbest person on the face of the planet? I know who I believe…impeach…
Don’t screw with the intelligence community…
Well…I hope the rank amatuers in the white house continue their feud with the intelligence community as long as it takes to goad them into revealing all that they have on trump and his minions….just last week, after trump tweeted his contempt for them, magically, stories appeared throughout the media that tied the trump campaign to the Russians and detailed the contacts that multiple people from the campaign had with Russian intelligence….and I find it sick that a so-called president of the US has a better relationship with Russian intelligence agencies than he does with American ones….there was one telling comment from an intelligence source that said that trump can only look forward to spending the rest of his life in jail knowing what he knows about the lawbreaking done by the trump campaign….keep it up, trump…can’t wait to see you doing the perp walk in handcuffs….