Well…there were a lot of developments this week on the legislative front and the accomplishments were truly great when you look at it in the context of the rancor that has poisoned politics over the last two years or so…and I know I’m supposed to be overjoyed or something but I really don’t feel anything right now….I know I’m supposed to comment with lucid thoughts and insights on these happenings but I feel hollow and blank…and it’s not the holidays since I don’t celebrate them…saturday is just another day to me…how am I supposed to feel?
That’s the problem….I don’t even think I know how to be human any more, to be who I’m supposed to be…but, who is that? I still love doing this…this little slice of life that I share everyday and I also am humbled by the fact that quite a few of you keep coming back everyday to share in this weird, old guys life….I guess it’s what I shared with T this morning, though…that when you start thinking of your life in months and just keep trying to buy more by whatever means you can, it’s different…I don’t know if we’re wired to think that way….