Well…finally…with the news from the past couple of days, it appears that the 6 committees that are investigating trump have agreed that they need to vote on formalizing their investigations into a single impeachment investigation…and that vote is going to happen next Wednesday…and with dem control of the house, the vote will pass. One thing to remember is that there is enough evidence to impeach trump even before the bombshell revelations this week that trump is blackmailing the Ukraine into faking evidence that trump wants to attack Biden by withholding 250 million dollars in military aid that congress passed to help Ukraine protect itself from Russia….yep, naked blackmail that is being run by Rudy Giuliana…corruption on an epic scale that can’t go unanswered and that will now be part of the impeachment investigation. But, it’s not the only recently revealed corruption that trump and his cronies have been perpetrating…just yesterday, it was reveled that trump has ordered the air force to use a failing airport near his Scotland resort for refueling to keep it from closing and making it hard to get to trump’s resort…yep, trump is buying fuel for military planes at retail using taxpayer’s money to prop up his resort in Scotland….and the cronies he has put in charge of the military are going along with it…is this enough, repubs? Is this damn enough for you to convict after this crook is impeached? In any normal time, it should be…but with Moscow Mitch in control of the senate, there won’t even be a trial and trump will be able to continue to line his pockets with taxpayer money while the repubs close their eyes and destroy the rule of law. We can use Mitch’s behavior in the 2020 election, though, and maybe send him back to turtleland…now I can say this again…impeach….