A couple of things…

Well…don’t know where to start this morning but I know I have to deal with Chuck Krauthhammer and Darrell Issa…and the crazy assertions they make in the papers this morning…first, let’s start with Chuck…the headline of his article was ‘Obama’s secret plan: governing by regulation”…and he goes on to assert that since Obama can’t get bills with what he wants passed through congress, he is going to use the regulatory apparatus of the government to bypass congress and enact all kinds of scary things…his prime example being the new Medicare regulation that will pay for end of life counseling that the repbs labeled “death panels” last summer and was left out of the bill because of those scare tactics pushed by the rabid right wingers. Where have you been for the last 30 years Chuck? This type of thing has been done ever since these regulatory organizations were first enacted by legislation….so now, you don’t want Obama to keep the government functioning just because you don’t like it…elections have consequences, Chuck…look what your boys did with financial regulation in the 8 years of ole GW. At least Obama is doing something for the middle class, not just the rich that your party bows to every day.

Then, you have Darrell Issa saying that his primary focus as the chair of the congressional oversight committee is going to be investigate Obama and his administration and to blanket them with subpoenas until they can’t do anything except answer them…since he calls them the most corrupt government in American history. Oh, really Darrell? Didn’t see them authorizing torture, or letting the oil industry write our energy policy, or providing sweetheart no-bid contracts to all of Cheney’s cronies, or removing enough financial regulation that allowed the banks to almost steal the whole country. What about the people of this country Darrell? When are you going to focus on jobs? When are you going to focus on healing the divide that splits us? Oh, I get it, never…just another political hack that chooses to put party before country….again, and, again, and again….geez…

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