Well….sitting here waiting to go out and get my hair cut and thought I’d talk about how successful Putin’s operation about Ukraine has been…but first, Russian state tv has been openly mocking the idiot trump for being the stupid dupe that he is and for doing Russia’s work in the Ukraine…they have even taken to saying they have a place for trump to escape to after he is out of office so he can avoid criminal prosecution…just like the corrupt past president of Ukraine did when the people there rose up and threw him out. Ukraine experts from around the world are marveling at how Putin has accomplished his entire Ukraine wish list with trump and his cronies help….he has gotten Giuliani and his criminal conspiracy to continue to cast doubt onĀ the new Ukraine regime’s legitimacy by his constant hammering about corruption there…and ole Rudy has re elevated all of the corrupt, Russian backed conspirators that were thrown out when they were found to be the criminals they are…and by trump telegraphing his Russia bias by not inviting the Ukrainian president to the oval office, and by inviting Lavrov to grin and continue to spread the lies that it was Ukraine and not Russia that interfered in the 2016 election, Putin got exactly the diversion he planned and used the stupident to reinforce those lies…and trump just grinned along not knowing or caring what it looked like to the people of Ukraine…just as long as it benefitted him personally. Man, I can’t wait for this moron to be gone…