They found their spine….

Well….as you know I’m not a religious person and I have railed at the hypocrisy of the evangelical movement…wholeheartedly supporting the amoral idiot trump just to get judges who would enshrine their hate for a generation…but, just yesterday, the evangelical magazine Christianity Today, a magazine started by Billy Graham,  published a scathing editorial calling for trump’s removal from office for his amorality and criminality…but he goes on to say that trump needs to go so that “they” can be saved…that the damage they are doing to their faith by supporting this waste of a human being will resonate for a generation or more and will do more damage than any secular attacks…and he goes on to remind them who they really serve…and it’s not supposed to be this amoral piece of shit trump but the god they profess to follow and love. But, this is only one publication and only one voice and my take is “what took you so long?” It has been clear for three years now…and even longer…who trump is and it hasn’t mattered at all to these folks who are still comparing trump to Jesus as recently as Wednesday during the impeachment debate. So, as the old saying goes “actions speak louder than words” so what are you folks in that community going to do about it? Are you still going to support the criminal trump or are you going to live by the principles that trump craps on every day? I’m not holding my breath…

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