Well…one of the drawbacks of getting up so early and getting all of my work done by 8 am is that I need to find something to do to keep from getting bored…and re runs of Leave it to Beaver are just not cutting it…so, I thought I’d come here for number two before I head out to HF…so, did you see that fake outrage that Bill Barr displayed yesterday saying that the idiot trump’s tweeting is “making it impossible to do my job”? The pundits who are almost always wrong or who have and agenda immediately piped up saying it was a huge break with Barr “standing up” to trump…yeah, that sound you hear is me laughing my butt off…if anyone believes this is standing up to trump, I have a nice bridge in NY to sell you…this is nothing more than Barr reacting to the outrage of his turning the justice department into trump central and doing his best to let trump’s criminal cronies off the hook for their crimes…and I’m sure he is coordinating this “outrage” with the WH to give him cover to continue to destroy the justice department, but to do it in secret instead of in the open as trump tweets expose his behavior. I’m sure Barr has already taken his crayons to the WH and drew up some nice charts and pictures that explained to trump that he is still going to do everything he tells him to but it needs to be quiet…we’ll see if trump’s tweets change to other topics now that he has gotten what he wanted from Barr…one good thing is that quite a few commentators have seen through Barr’s lies and it is being widely reported…but that doesn’t matter to the troglodytes that support trump….