Well…if it wasn’t already clear that the only purpose of any repub administration is to loot as much money as they can from yours and my tax dollars, you just have to look at the contracts being let for the idiot boy’s wall….just because the idiot stood up and brayed that the wall was an “emergency”, the rest of the government run by repubs is going along with the plunder and ignoring all of the purchasing rules that apply to government contracts. Just yesterday, it was reported that trump just gave out a contract to build 100 miles of his idiot wall for a billion dollars…yep, and the worst part is that there were no reviews, no competitive bidding and no compliance to any rules that every other contract has to meet…and this one shows the worst of crony capitalism…being given to a politically connected repub whose company has a total of 3 employees…yep, a billion dollar contract to a company that essentially doesn’t exist except in the fevered brain of the moron in chief….I wonder if this is the same company that got a 300 million dollar contract to fix the electrical grid in PR but didn’t do any work at all and just stole a hundred million dollars before their contract was terminated? There is a reason there are rules for government procurement…in every damn repub administration they treat the government like their own piggy bank to reward their friends and steal as much as they can….keep it up, folks…the day is coming when honest people will be running the government and there will be hell to pay….