Well….with all the damage that idiot boy and his cronies have done to this country, it is going to be a huge job for Joe Biden and his team to clean up the mess…and one bit of damage that I haven’t heard mentioned is the restoration of the separation of church and state as the founders of this country intended…and that has been shattered by every damn department of the idiot boy’s government. The latest coming from the trump supreme court last week is that it is perfectly fine for employers to control the women that work for them by denying them contraceptive coverage in their healthcare…and all the employers have to do is shout “religious objection” and they can drop that coverage…and with the bailout in response to the coronavirus pandemic, trump and his conspirators gave 1.4 billion dollars to the Catholic church free and clear even though they have never paid a dime in taxes so why do they need to be bailed out? The attack on the constitution continues with the moron betsy devos giving money hand over fist to private schools that support her brand of religious belief that puts profit above everything else and rewards crony capitalism every damn day as she bleeds public schools of the money they need to educate the large majority of kids that attend them in this country. Cripes, Joe…it looks like you are going to have the biggest restoration project in the history of this country so we really do need to take the senate in November…and tell moscow mitch to sit the hell down…
Tag Archives: crony capitalism
Crony capitalism at it’s worst…
Well…if it wasn’t already clear that the only purpose of any repub administration is to loot as much money as they can from yours and my tax dollars, you just have to look at the contracts being let for the idiot boy’s wall….just because the idiot stood up and brayed that the wall was an “emergency”, the rest of the government run by repubs is going along with the plunder and ignoring all of the purchasing rules that apply to government contracts. Just yesterday, it was reported that trump just gave out a contract to build 100 miles of his idiot wall for a billion dollars…yep, and the worst part is that there were no reviews, no competitive bidding and no compliance to any rules that every other contract has to meet…and this one shows the worst of crony capitalism…being given to a politically connected repub whose company has a total of 3 employees…yep, a billion dollar contract to a company that essentially doesn’t exist except in the fevered brain of the moron in chief….I wonder if this is the same company that got a 300 million dollar contract to fix the electrical grid in PR but didn’t do any work at all and just stole a hundred million dollars before their contract was terminated? There is a reason there are rules for government procurement…in every damn repub administration they treat the government like their own piggy bank to reward their friends and steal as much as they can….keep it up, folks…the day is coming when honest people will be running the government and there will be hell to pay….
Another reason to send ole Mitt back where he came from….
Well…have been reading a few of the online papers this morning and a theme has emerged…one that I have taken on a couple of times before in regard to Michigan but this time it is on a national scale…and deals with the cluelessness of the rich in this country and of the Romney family in particular. As you know, one of my favorite sayings about the rich is that “they were born on third base but think they hit a triple to get there”…and that applies here to one of ole Mitt’s sons, Tagg, who has shown this same blindness to the advantages of being born rich in this country, and can’t figure out why everyone isn’t rich. The particular delusion of this young man centers on the establishment of a private equity fund that was started with one of Mitt’s primary fundraisers, and guess who one of the first “investors” was? His mom, of course, followed by over 60 of his father’s buddies and cronies who “invested” almost 250 million dollars in this fund…this, with Tagg having absolutely no experience in finance but, to hear ole Tagg explain it, it was because of his “excellent strategies” not because his father is Mitt and was planning on running for president in 2012. Delusions, delusions, delusions….and the crony capitalism we will see with a Romney presidency…look how well that worked out under ole GW. Haven’t we had enough of this nonsense? Haven’t we had enough of people getting a free ride in life because of their connections? I can pretty much bet that you and I couldn’t raise 250 million dollars from 60 or so of our friends….geez….
More shenanigans by Michigan Republicans…
Well…it must be nice for the relatives of the Michigan republicans these days when they can lose money, get sued, and then get a law passed that wipes out 2.4 million dollars in debt. If you haven’t heard, that is just what happened last week when Snyder signed into law a bill that relieved the brother of the house repub chair here, Bobby Schostak, of the 2.4 million dollar loss that the appeals court said he owed on a failed property in Traverse City. The gist of the story is that the Schostaks are wealthy developers here, and the younger Schostak signed a contract that said he would be personally responsible for losses on this property…when the economy tanked, he walked away from the property that was worth 2.4 million less than he owed on it, the bank sued, and all of the courts here said he owed the money. So, what does a connected republican do here in Michigan? As always, they change the rules and use crony capitalism to pass this law that retroactively immunizes the leader’s brother from the loss…wouldn’t you like to be able to do that with the house you are upside down on? It is a breach of the public trust for the repubs to cheat the system for personal gain…but, what else should you expect from these guys? After all they are the ones who raised taxes on workers so they could hand a 2 billion dollar tax cuts to the corporations that bought them the election….and it just goes on and on…geez….
One last thing…the bill was written by the Schostak brothers attorney…..