Well…as the moron in the WH fiddles, there is a convergence of problems that are going to slap idiot boy upside the head this morning…if the coronavirus response bungling wasn’t enough, we now have oil prices that are in free fall along with a major meltdown in the stock market that is going to hit when the markets open this morning. After the rout in oil prices started Friday with a 10% drop across the board, Saudi Arabia has decided to destroy Russia since they wouldn’t go along with supply cuts necessary to support the price with demand crashing…so with the Saudis opening the taps in the face of falling demand, oil is set to drop by 20-25% today which will surely destroy many shale producers here in the US since they were barely staying afloat with their huge debt loads…can anyone say recession? In the stock futures markets, the fall was so severe that the automatic “circuit breakers” cut in when the losses got to 5% and that much of a drop in the Dow will translate to a 1500 point loss that will probably happen in the first few minutes of trading….I wonder what moron donnie is going to say now? The only thing he could point to was the stock market doing well and the myth that he had anything to do with it is going to be exploded this morning…I wonder who he is going to blame for this one? It is going to be an ugly day economically for anyone who has a 401K…and you can blame it on the incompetents in the WH who have systematically destroyed the US influence in the world and have left chaos in their wake….cripes…