Well…with the dire warnings that the peak of deaths from the virus is going to happen in a 6 to 11 days and we could see 7,000 deaths a day in that time…I had some weird thoughts while out on the bike today…what if this 8 months we are all going to lose is taken out of the last year I have? As we age, the comparison of what we have left to the time we are going to lose to this gets higher and higher….after all, at best I’ve got maybe 10 years left and if I lose one to this virus, that’s 10% of the time I have left and will necessarily mean that there are going to be things that I was planning to do that won’t get done from lack of time…I guess what I’m saying is that if you’re young, you can afford a year out of your lives…it’s not a good thing, but there is still time to carve out a normal life if you’ve got 40 more to live….okay, I said they were weird thoughts…I wonder if it’s from being cooped up here? Whatever it is, it is a sobering thought that just because of the bungling of the moron in chief I have less time to live my life…thanks trump voters…