
Well…okay, am starting to get back into politics in the news and the evolution of the right’s response to the virus is just frickin stunning….if you remember 6 weeks or so ago everyone from rush to trump to hannity were bleating out of their mouths that the virus is just a hoax that the dems were using to attack trump since they couldn’t convict him in the senate….then they moved to “it’s just like the flu” and 40,000 people die from the flu int he US so no big deal if a few people die…then the classic “don’t make the cure worse than the disease” that trump picked up from some idiot on fox “news” was the excuse that trump was going to use to “open the country” by Easter Sunday…remember that gem? The next evolution was that only old people are going to die and they are old and are takers anyway so they aren’t worth anything…then the spin got up to 10,000 rpm when trump and his enablers on fox declared that “only” 100,000 dead meant that trump did just the bestest job that any president had ever done or ever could do so he should be congratulated and fawned over forever…now, in the sickest thing I have ever seen in my lifetime, the right is now saying that dying is the greatest thing that can happen to you and the people who live are the unlucky ones….now, did you have any question that the repubs have become a death cult and will do anything to protect the worst leader in the history of the world just so they can continue to get their unqualified judges rammed through the senate by the grim reaper McConnell? How many dead is that worth? A quarter of a million? A million? Every damn repub has blood on their hands….I guess trump CAN kill someone on 5th Avenue and his followers well stay with him….

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