Well…after the supreme court ruled that no person here in the US is above the law, they tossed the suit that trump filed back to the lower courts to give trump another try to come up with reasons that his tax returns shouldn’t be given up in a criminal investigation…so idiot boy’s lawyers went back to court with exactly the same reasons that the supreme court rejected on a 7-2 vote….so, just yesterday, that court said quit the bullshit and ruled that these were the same reasons the SC rejected and trump had to produce everything that Cy Vance has subpoenaed…of course, trump’s lawyers appealed that ruling but this is the final time he will be able to do that…the appeals court has to abide by the same SC ruling that the district court had to so the result will not be any different…so, in just a few weeks, Cy Vance will have the tax returns and other financial documents from the criminal trump to go along with all of the records Vance got from Deutsche bank and he then can start to compare the records and see the huge amounts of bank and real estate fraud that trump has been doing his entire life….I wonder if an indictment can be handed down in time for the election? Probably not but this will be waiting for trump when he loses…and remember, these are state charges that trump can’t pardon himself for…he is going to be the first ex-president to go to jail and I can’t wait….