Well…yep, the normal repubs are out today with excuses for the idiot trump not paying and taxes for 15 years and they all are basically “rich people don’t pay taxes” and “he’s pretty smart if he can figure out how to not pay taxes”…but with the release of idiot boy’s financial records, it’s not the fact that he didn’t pay taxes but the how he did it…and that gets us to the fraud that oozes out of every page of the information. One of the ways they converted cash on hand into deductible business expenses involved Ivanka getting paid millions in “consulting fees” even though she was an employee…magically turning them into deductions that trump didn’t have to pay taxes on and even offsetting other income by just laundering them through that scam. This is not the first time Ivanka has been involved in shady fraud…there were three other times that she was inches away from being charged and then poof, the charges just went away. But not this time…the whole damn trump family is going to end up in jail…the moron son Eric has been forced to testify this week about his shady dealings with the family business and he is probably going to lie to them and end up being charged with perjury along with fraud….god, I can’t wait for these grifters who have done more to ruin this country that any family in history go to jail for a long, long time….tick tock, donnie…you’re next…