Well…if it wasn’t bad enough that the idiot trump ignored the severity of the virus from the start and that has led to 200K American deaths…now we know that idiot boy was the one who has spread the virus to damn near everyone in the WH and members of congress. Just today his doctors said that he knew he had the virus on Wednesday but continued to not wear a mask when he went to a “rally” and then to a fundraiser that day…so now he is personally responsible for at least 10 people getting sick but the tally hasn’t ended…we will probably see this weekend how many others he has infected and how many are going to die from trump just being his normal asshole self…now, in any normal time, this right here would be disqualifying and the repubs should throw him out…but, I guess that is going to be left up to us in a month since anything idiot boy does is just peachy with them….so please people…get out and vote and let’s get this country back on track….