Well…man, I’m getting damn tired of all of this coughing and not sleeping…was up most of the night and got out of bed at 4 to take some more medicine for it and I’m not sure why it has gotten worse again…I felt okay yesterday and could take deep breaths but that is gone this morning so it looks like another day of just taking it easy and hoping for some healing to take place…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get anything done so I am going to try to clean some today but I am going to need a nap at some point with not sleeping last night…just damn exhausted right now….needless to say, I won’t be getting on the bike today…I find myself hoping for rain so that doesn’t trigger my well developed sense of guilt and I do something stupid by getting out when I feel so crappy…okay, just checked the radar and there will be rain here in a few minutes so I don’t feel too bad….I can’t remember feeling so crappy in a long, long time and I’m not sure if knowing that it is my allergies helps any…oh, well….not much to do today….going to just ease into it…again…but I’m not sure if doing that will help how I feel….just damn frustrated that I haven’t made any progress since Tuesday and the last time this happened it took months before I healed up….more later….