Well…if you are a Michigander, you should be as pissed as I am to have the asshole trump coming into our state and inciting violence against our governor…at another one of his fascist rallies here, he went into his schtick about how bad she is and led the crowd of deplorables in the tired old “lock her up” chant with no recognition that this bullshit inspired an actual kidnapping and murder plot against her…and you know he just doesn’t care at all…just as long as he gets his jollies from his crowd and works them into a frenzy as he manipulates them in the last bastion of support he has…nothing else matters to him. All I have to say to this asshole is stay the hell out of our state…you’ve done nothing for us in the past 4 years and you are responsible for thousands of deaths here that could have been prevented if you weren’t the incompetent moron that you are…just keep your promise and don’t ever come back…