Well…sitting here in the cold gloomy dark of the living room this afternoon and I am feeling exhausted and crappy…now, I think I know why I feel exhausted…I mean half a chicken breast and two bowls of turkey soup just isn’t enough to support riding 20 miles yesterday…and I started out today with the same problem with only having a small piece of smoked sausage and a handful of chips for lunch…and I am planning a dinner of the other half of the chicken breast and a handful of baked fries so it looks like I’ll be down around 1200 calories again today…but, if I try to eat more, I feel like I’ve eaten a Buick and am so uncomfortable that it hurts to just sit here. Hmmmm…and the allergies don’t help at all with the damn headache that I’ve had for weeks and that takes a lot out of me…okay, that’s enough bitching…I guess I should do something about it, huh? I did take an aspirin about an hour ago that has helped some but I can’t take any allergy stuff right now since I’m only allowed one a day and I’ll need that later to be able to breathe as I try to sleep…I wonder if this is what it is like to grow old? If it is, it sucks…oh, well…..