Well…yeah, I know I haven’t come here this afternoon but I have a good reason….had a damn flat on the bike today in the worst possible place…all the way out to the beach at exactly the halfway point of my daily ride…okay, a little under halfway but I was still 6 miles away when it went and that meant either walking back or riding the damn thing on the flat so, of course, I rode it back…after all 7 mph riding for 6 miles is much better than walking at 3 mph for 6 miles…and no damage to the tire or rim but the tube had a hole in it as big as my little finger so I think it was just a failure with the tube being an old one that I found in my totes that must have been at least three years old….so, no political one today after all the work I’ve done…I need some time to rest after mowing and feeding the lawn and putting the hooks up in the garage for the ladder I’m getting tomorrow, and of course, riding back on the flat that is no fun at all…