Well…that was a mistake…I gave in to having cocktails last night after the busy day I had and I am feeling it right now…and to keep to my 2 day a week schedule, that means no cocktails for either tonight or tomorrow night and I’m okay with that…after all of the walking and the flat tire ride yesterday, I expected my legs would be really sore today but surprisingly they are just fine…and my right calf is normal after mowing and I think it may have to do with getting out my old mowing shoes and not using my rubber garden shoes…whatever it is, I’ll take it since I’m walking around with no hobbling at all….changing out the tube in the back tire was a mess yesterday since I had a slime tube in it that is supposed to plug off any small hole in the tube but there was no way it could fix a half inch hole and all of that sealer ended up inside the tire and leaking out onto the rim…so, that meant I had to wash all of that crap out of the tire before I could put it back together…and the sealer is a bright green that looked like crap…and I hope that leaving it a little damp won’t hurt it….not much to do today…I have to run an errand to get my Mega tickets since the jackpot is almost 300 mil and then I need to buy the ladder I want and I hope it will fit in the passenger’s seat with the top down…and then I need to take the garage door opener apart and check if it has a fuse…it would be cool if I can just replace a fuse and not the opener but I may wait til tomorrow to do that…it is supposed to rain and I like working in the garage in the rain….more later…