Well…my right eye has been twitching since overnight and that continues right now…it has been years since I’ve had one last this long and it is damn annoying…still feel pretty run down today and I wonder if today will be the day to take a day off the bike…getting out there doesn’t sound too attractive right now and even doing the grocery run is going to be a chore this morning…my thumb looks pretty ugly today but it is no longer oozing blood so that’s progress…still hurts when I bump it on anything but it appears to be healing some…it appears that the pain in my shoulder has stopped going down my arm so it is not as severe as the last time and that is cool…and now I’m vaccinated against everything and I hope I don’t get the flu this year…didn’t get much done yesterday other than the bike rides and the vaccines and, feeling like I do, I think today is going to be the same…might do the weed walk and water the lawn today but I am going down to no more than 3 waterings a week to save some cash…I’m hoping the cooler temps will help with keeping the lawn alive until it rains which is not going to be for a few weeks…I wonder when the fall rains are going to come? Not much to do today…just the grocery run and then I’m just going to wing it until Man U plays this afternoon…I know I’m getting older and can’t do what I used to but I need to keep going on this place before winter…would one day off be too much? Not sure…but I find I’m looking forward to winter….and taking a day off here and there….more later….