Well…I just had to comment on the article by Rick Haglund in the GR Press this morning that supports my assertion (as do the numbers behind it) that tax cuts for business and for high income individuals do nothing to create jobs. But, as you know, I take it farther than that by following the money….that these tax cuts go directly to the bonuses of the ceos and board members and are paid by you and me by the increases in our taxes. The figures show that the tax burden for business has been falling for years in Michigan so where are the jobs? As I’ve said before, these tax cuts are ideology driven, not reality based as any economic policy should be.
The second thing I wanted to talk about this morning is the slap in the face to the repubs that came from the health insurance industry over the past couple of days. If you’ve been reading the news lately, you have seen that health insurance premiums have been skyrocketing over the past few months and the repubs have been trying to pin this cost increase on the healthcare law but the repubs had their legs cut out from under them when the industry tied the increases to increases in the cost of care instead. They went further to say that the increases would have been worse without the law. How do you feel about your buddies in the industry now repubs? So, any time you hear a repub talking about “Obamacare” and how it has increased costs, chalk it up to another lie from the liars…should we start doing a lie count everyday? Nope…the numbers would overwhelm me….
One last thing…when you hear any repubs talking about job growth and that cutting spending will create jobs…remember that the cuts they have proposed on the federal level have been projected to cost the country almost a million jobs in the first year….and that doesn’t take into account that these cuts are all politically motivated…do you see any cuts in the subsidies for business? Nope, you didn’t since they are not there….just cuts to the things that benefit the poor and middle class…can’t wait for 2012 to get here and we can send these idiots back to Fox news……geez…