Still haven’t done anything…

well…it’s 1:30 in the afternoon and I still haven done anything…okay, that’s not quite true…I did go out and shovel the snow including from the garage door to the alley and all of the walks and the trash bin landing pad along with the front stoop but that only took about 15 minutes and then it was back to watching soccer that just ended…so now what to do? I really do want to get to some stuff downstairs and I have 3 hours til the Lions play so I probably will…but I’m still not too motivated right now….”Bullitt” just started and I could watch that but I’ve seen it probably 20 times and I think it’s going to be relegated to background noise….and I do need to find a political topic for later and I think one just popped into my head…so I think I’ll do one….

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