Well…after working on the small bits of filling I needed to do to start prepping the walls for painting in the kitchen…as I looked close at the transition between the baseboards and the wall I noticed there is no straight demarcation between the two since it has too damn much paint on it…so that just doubled the work I’m going to have to do to make it look okay…and the corners are full of paint that is going to have to be chiseled out like I did for one this afternoon and it revealed at least 5 coats of paint and took me about 20 minutes to get it to the point where I can fill and paint…so any hope that it would be easy is gone and that is depressing….and every inch of the baseboard is going to have to be chipped out, too, and I can see that taking at least three days before I can even start to sand, fill, and paint them…so I’m looking at another week or so of prep before I can paint…darn…at least I got the downstairs cleaned up to the point that I can live with it and won’t have to do any more work downstairs until I get the kitchen done…but, I am going to take my full week off since the small amount of prep that I did on the baseboards hurt my thumb like crazy and I am not looking forward to being in pain for weeks again…oh, well…