Well…yeah, not a lot of politics today but I did get to taking the hinge back off the bathroom door and soaking it in the new strip that I got the other day….but, it looks like 10 bucks down the drain since I coated the hinge in the strip and let it sit for an hour and it still didn’t strip the hinge clean at all…so, it looks like new hinges are in order and I can get the 3 sets I need for about 16 bucks so that’s not a bad deal…but now I need to figure out how to strip the heat registers since they have the same paint that wouldn’t come off the hinges…I may have to have them sand blasted or commercially stripped and that won’t be cheap but I do want to save them…I guess I’ll need to wait to work on them until it’s warm enough to do it outside since the strip is flammable and you shouldn’t use it inside….I do have a whole can that needs to be used and a can and a half of the 40 year old stuff so I may be able to at least get some of the paint off before I try to figure out how to get them to the point I can paint them black…oh, well….