Well…just couldn’t get started til late today and only got a little work done in the bathroom…I did take the register out and tried to strip it and it didn’t work at all so I tried to use my propane torch to burn the paint off and but my old torch just doesn’t make a good enough flame…just a huge orange one comes out of it and cuts off all the time so I think I’ll buy a new one this week…even took the whole thing apart to try to figure out what is wrong and didn’t see anything so I gave up…I really should have a working torch with owning a house and having to do soldering every once in a while….and they are only about 20 bucks including a tank of gas so that’s not bad…I did get started on the baseboards and will probably finish the filling on them tomorrow which means I can paint later in the week…then it’s on to the window as I let the paint cure this time before masking the baseboards to do the wall paint….and that will take 3 weeks or so and that will give me time to start on the door and door frame along with putting the new hinges on the door…and I can get the walls ready to paint while I wait for the baseboard paint to cure, too but that should only take a day or so…but I’m done now…just worn out today and need to take it easy for a while….