Well…even at my advanced age, there are still opportunities to learn something new every day…and this morning, one of those opportunities presented itself and made me smile a bit….as I have been watching the birds around here, for some reason I thought the black, speckled birds that travel in flocks were grackles but I was curious enough to check the internet to make sure since one of them ended up on my window sill and others have been feeding under my feeder window in huge groups…so, I found out I was wrong…they are not grackles but common starlings that I understand now are a despised invasive species by bird people in Michigan since they attack songbirds nests and drive out the native species with their aggressiveness….and these bird people are adamant that you don’t feed them or assist them in their spread in any way…but, how the heck do you do that? I’m not going to take my feeder down since the Juncoes and other birds come here to feed and I like watching them….hmmm….so, I guess I’ll have to think about that a bit…oh, I did see some sparrows out here when I was able to ride outside last week but they were a couple of miles to the west toward Lake Michigan…still don’t understand why none of them are around here when they are that close….something to think about….