Well…sitting here feeling like crap after the bike ride…and I felt like crap on the ride, too, so I don’t know what is going on…hmmmm…I did read an article yesterday that I wanted to talk a bit about…after all of the investigations that have been done about the coup attempt on January 6th of last year, on startling fact has come out and that is that every damn repub in the house but two were in one it…every one of them have turned up in text messages, facebook posts, or other media talking about how to do the coup or in planning of it or supporting it…and the only two who weren’t are Cheney and Kinzinger who are on the January 6th committee…just let that sink in a minute, one of the major political parties in this country had every member try to overturn the legal election of Biden… and not one of them has been charged with sedition or insurrection or even jaywalking…not one damn thing for these people who violated the 14th amendment and should have been expelled from congress and banned from ever holding office again…but nothing at all from Garland…has anyone checked on him to see if he is still alive? This is the best way to guarantee that this crap will happen again…and we see that the plans are being laid by these same people for 2022 and 2024 to overthrow the legal votes of Americans again…they all need to go and if Garland isn’t willing to uphold the law, then he needs to go, too…geez…