April 29th

Well…damn, I’m sore this morning…as I was last night and the day before and I’m starting to get a little concerned that it never stops…and I’m not sure if it’s from the work I’m doing or if it’s a medical problem but I do know that I am creeping around here and everything I do is painful…I wonder if taking two ibuprofens a day would help instead of the one I take now? I did get the car finished yesterday and got my new sticker in the window that allows me to park at the beach for free and I will be using that a lot this summer….and I can’t wait to run an errand this morning in the clean car…even with all the rust in it, it is still cool to have clean glass and the un-rusted parts waxed and it is just the best to know that it is ready for summer…and that it is not leaking oil anymore….and I am going to hit ollies again today for some more 1.99 t-shirts if they have them…and then I can weed out all of the old bleached and painted ones and replace them with new ones….I am going to try to get two rides in outdoors today so I don’t have to get on the indoor bike and that leaves me with lots of time to just relax on the couch and have my coffee while I do this…and then I can leisurely read the news….oh, forgot to talk about sleep…should I talk about sleep? Nope, not today…pretty sure you’re getting bored with that and the one thing I strive for is to not be boring…sometimes even successfully….not much to do today…not sure how to do these easy mornings and I’m still wondering if my need to be doing something is going to override that…but I am going to try…but it’s 7am and I really don’t know how to fill the time until I head out on the errand….hmmmm….more later…

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