Well…hey, I found something to fill some time! After getting back outdoors on the trails this spring…is it spring? Sure doesn’t feel like it…I noticed that there is a huge explosion of people riding electric bikes that I wonder if they should be classified motorized vehicles and banned from the trails? Just the other day when I was out riding some idiot came blowing through the crowds at almost 30mph and not pedaling at all…and I can see carnage if this continues when the trails get busy when it warms up when walkers and riders clog up the trails so there is nowhere for someone going at that speed to go…I even find it a little challenging at times when I get up a head of steam and run into a stroller blockade…but I’m not going 30 and I pay attention and have the courtesy to slow down and allow them to get out of the way with a smile on my face…after all, the trails are for everyone who uses them but the speed differential to electric bikes is going to cause accidents…and I wonder who the hell can afford a 2,000 dollar bike anyway? Okay, that’s the end of my bitching…normally I just yell at them that they are cheating with a smile on my face and a laugh…especially when you have an obviously out of shape person flying by me only pedaling once every 100 feet or so…but, they are getting out and getting some exercise and that is always a good thing….and I have even started to do some research on converting the black bike to an electric assisted one to use when I’m injured but it’s still over 800 bucks to do that and I can think of many other way to spend that much cash….maybe look for a used one that is just sitting in someone’s garage after they used it for a week or two? I guess the point of riding for me is to get all the exercise I can to keep age at bay and an electric would make it too easy….going to be an interesting summer….