Plans change…

Well…damn, I had this day all planned out but everything had to work perfectly for that plan to work…and, it didn’t…it rained in Monaco and that put the race back an hour and it just ended so there is no time to get the second ride in before Indy starts in a half hour…so, what to do? There is a window in between Indy and the world 600 at 4 or so and, while I don’t like going out that late in the day, I just may do it today…still can’t figure out why I can’t just not do the second ride and give myself a little break but I can’t and that’s just me….need to burn those calories every day or I’ll end up fat again…even feel like I’ve gained 5 pounds over the past few days even with getting double rides in every day and not taking in any extra calories…oh, well…who the hell do I have to look good for?  At least there are no houses going nuts with music so far today…probably shouldn’t have written that, huh? More later…

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