Another, different cruise ship?

Well…on the way back from the first ride today, I noticed that there was another, different cruise ship docked at the pier down the hill from me and I still think that’s kind of weird….there is still nothing to see or do here so why stop? This ship was also a nice blue and white that looked pretty cool and looked quite new so I wonder how they make money on the great lakes? Must be an expensive cruise…hmmmm…I did get two rides in and washed the bike and then re-lubed the chain that I used my brass detailing brush and dish soap to scrub clean first…so that is drying now and will be ready to go in the morning for the first ride tomorrow but I am still trying to figure out when I get a day off to rest a bit with no rain in the forecast for an excuse….okay, I need to read some news for a topic on politics and then come back in a bit….

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