June 18th

Well…that was okay, slept pretty good last night and didn’t get out of bed til 6:24 so that is a big win for me….and nothing hurts too much and that is a bonus…I do feel that I got some sunburn from the beach yesterday but that was the plan…and I got burned even with having 30 sunscreen on from the bike rides….but no beach today…did 5 days in a row and I think my skin needs a rest as I do….darn, it’s only 52 degrees out there right now so it will be a fleece morning when I get on the bike and I need to have lots more coffee before I do that….didn’t get much work done yesterday but get some more grass seed and dirt put in and probably won’t do much today other than water the lawn to try to keep it alive….need to take a look to see when F1 qualifying is on so I can make sure I have the bike rides done before then….I really like the ham that I got for 1.88 from DD this week and even better, it came in some reusable containers that are pretty cool and that I can use….they are an unusual size that is between all of the other containers I have and I may just go back there Monday and get a few more….will need to find some room in the freezer but they don’t take up a lot so I think I can do it….and it will be nice to have easy food that I don’t have to cook….not much to do today…going to get on the bike here in a few minutes and then let the day just kind of happen…feel pretty worn out this morning and really don’t want to think much or plan anything…..I think the 30 miles a day is starting to wear on me but I’m not sure how I can take some time off to get some rest….the guilts are hard to fight….more later….

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