They all knew and did nothing…

Well…one of the things that we didn’t know before the January 6th committee investigation is that every damn repub knew that what trump was doing was illegal…and to a one, they did nothing about it…no call to the FBI, no resignations with information given to the media, no nothing….and that is the difference between the dems and repubs…the repubs are so self centered, the only way they think is about themselves and how anything they do will affect them…not what is best for the country, not what they can do to protect the US, no thought of the oath they take when they are sworn in, but just how it will affect them…and that is just wrong. And all of the congratulations that Pence is being given for not committing a crime when certifying the electoral votes is just bullshit…where the hell was he when all of the other criminal activity was going on? Why didn’t he say a frickin word while trump was impeached twice? He knew what was going on and did nothing as did every other repub…did you hear anything about one of these pricks saying anything about trump’s illegal behavior until they were delivered subpoenas from the committee? The time for these cynical bastards to come forward was back in 2020 when the plot started, not wait until they were forced to talk by the committee…so let’s just stop lionizing these assholes that should have cared more for their country than their own asses….but that is too much to ask of repubs these days…geez…

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