June 17th

Well…that was a little better…only woke up once last night and stayed in bed til 6:23 so I’ll take that any day….must not have slept on my right shoulder much since it doesn’t hurt much today…still hurts but not enough to do anything about it….and I didn’t have to run the ac unit last night with it being cooler than the past few days but it looks like we’re heading back to the mid to upper 80′s in the next week or so and I have been waiting for that weather for quite a while…just wish it would rain like every other day so I don’t have to spend all that cash to keep the lawn alive…but it’s not in the forecast for the next couple of weeks so I can hear the money going out with the clacking of the water meter…..oh, well…I did get out to the beach yesterday but only for a short time since I wanted to see the hearings but I still got a little burned even with sunscreen on so I’ll need to go up to 50 from 30 today…the water was cold but nice and I got a 20 minute swim in…and there were very few people at the beach so I had a 30 yard stretch all to myself…have never been out there on a weekend and I wonder if I should give it a try tomorrow? Not sure if I want to deal with the crowds or even if I can get a parking spot if I go out after noon…not much to do today…I probably should get at patching the lawn since I have the topsoil and seed to do it but I’m not sure if I want to…could probably do a little to keep the guilt at bay….and I’ll have time after the beach trip if I can get on the bike by 7:30….I am going to take a day to just do what I want soon…so does that mean I don’t want to get on the bike everyday? I don’t think so but I am getting pretty fatigued with doing 30 every day….and I wonder if I’m doing permanent damage by riding so much…but, I’ve said that before and yet here I am…dragging myself out in 4 minutes to start it again….more later…

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